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The event will take place on March 14th-18th , 2022.
Lecture program
MONDAY Opening session : The context
Session coordinated by A. Quadrelli (CNRS, CPE Lyon) and S. Bordiga (U. Torino, NIS)
Speakers: F. Chandezon (CEA SUNERGY), William TUMAS (NREL), A. Missener (CIRED) and JC Pereau (Bordeaux school of economics)
TUESDAY Methane: Current usages and future direct conversion
Session coordinated by F. di Renzo (CNRS)
Speakers: N. Wakim (Le Monde) tbc, J.-P. Dath (TotalEnergies), J. van Bokoven (ETH-Z & PSI)
Hydrogen: REN-production and use
Session coordinated by V. Artero (CEA)
Speakers: T. Leperq (Solairestream), L. Baraton (Engie), N. Dupassieux (INES), K. Vincent (Oxford U.)
WEDNESDAY CO2: Is “from waste to resource” building a circular economy?
Session coordinated by T. Cantat (CEA)
Speakers: V. Masson-Delmotte (CEA) tbc, FM Bréon (IPSL) tbc, W. Leitner (MPG Mulheim), A. Bardow (ETH-Z)
THURSDAY Ammonia: from fossil-based to fossil-free routes
Session coordinated by S. Bordiga (U. Torino, NIS) and A. Quadrelli (CNRS, CPE Lyon)
Speakers: W. Stephen (Stockholm resilience institute), T. Minh Nguyen (Haldor Topsoe), I. Chorkendorff (DTU)
FRIDAY Polyolefin and biopolymers: as carbon feedstock
Session coordinated by E. Groppo, (U. Torino)
Speakers: N. Friederichs (Sabic), F. Picchioni (U Delft), K. Bartha (U Delft)
Closing session: Scenarios for the Energy Transition
Session coordinated by A. Quadrelli (CNRS, CPE Lyon) and S. Bordiga (U. Torino, NIS)
Speaker: B. Weckhuysen (EFCATS)
Practicals & Serious games
Economy: Game theory & negotiations
Psychology: Cognitive biases to change
Thermal Catalysis: Problem based learning exercises
Photo&Electro Catalysis: Problem based learning exercises
Ethics: Theatre to explore individual vs. collective choices
Critical reviewing : “Take home message of the day” sessions