

Catalysis is “the current recognized most important and pervasive interdisciplinary technology in the chemical industry”. Current chemical industry relies heavily on fossil fuels; and it does, so far, more for processing and related energy requirements, than as a carbon-based feedstock. The resulting social and economic impacts are high both in terms of risks and opportunities.
In the current strive for a more renewable -energy driven society, the roadmap on catalysts development depends strongly on if and how the chemical industry can evolve to a REN-driven rather than fossil-fuel driven production as well as a provider of RENbased fuels, rather than large consumer of fossil ones. The upcoming generation of researchers in catalysis will have to be trained and to operate the connection between the shifting techno-economic panorama of energyrelated production systems and catalysis development challenges.

A roadmap for catalysis to support a society powered by renewable energies

This school proposes to set the basis for such an analysis, through the prism of 5 pivotal molecules that are at the roots of many current production processes:

Methane: direct conversion to methanol;
Hydrogen: REN-production and use
Carbon dioxide: Is “from waste to resource” building a circular economy?
Ammonia: from fossil-based to fossil-free routes;
Polyolefin and biopolymers: as carbon feedstock;

These molecules are the nodes of a network with significant environmental and social consequences. The school will explore this complex network, under the guidance of scientists and actors of society-relevant bodies with a broad and interdisciplinary view of the field. Participants from the social sciences are encouraged.


  • Lectures by international scientists
  • Transdisciplinary approach around catalysis
  • Groups activity
  • Poster and Q&A sessions
  • Prizes (best poster, best attendance)
  • Activities with invited members from major Editorial boards from Journals in catalysis
  • Free time every day for open-air activities


The “5-day 5-molecule course” is organized in 5 modules of three 1 h-classes, as well as poster sessions, hands-on practical sessions, free afternoons for team-building moments and evening games around breaking the existing cognitive barriers to the energy transition toward a sustainable future.


Each module, based on one of the identified pivotal routes at the roots of chemical production (H2, ammonia, methane & methanol, polyolefins and biopolymers, and CO2) will provide the three levels of analysis discussed:

->overarching elements of techno-economic analysis
(production route and costs, climate-related indicators, geo-political elements connected to production distribution
and utilization routes).

->current state-of-the art in the catalytic production route
underlying fundamental research factors allowing knowledge-driven innovation in catalysis from current state of
the art (molecular-level mechanism understanding, atomically-precise control over
catalyst design, bio/heterogeneous/molecular interface, modelling atoms and
dynamics in complex catalytic systems and reactors).

-> new REN-compatible catalysis production routes from such emerging knowledgedriven innovation
(electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, plasma, 3D and 2D structuring for grid-adjusting production, adaptive and responsive catalysts).


Hands-on training session will address some key points on how to carry out methodologically rigorous experiments in catalysis and assisted-catalysis (thermal, photo-and electro-catalysis, catalytic materials characterization etc.) such as key parameters for reliable data acquisition, necessary control experiments, meaningful literature benchmarking and comparison.


Discuss cognitive biases (with the help of serious games from game theory) and how much they influence (probably hamper in fact….) our decision making toward energy transition, the emergence of circular production processes, etc.